Little League Baseball, Softball and Tee Ball Sign Ups
Registration for Frankfort Little League Baseball, softball and tee ball will be online this year using the Sports Connect platform. Please visit and create an account to register your child.
Registration is open from Saturday, February 1, 2025, through Monday, March 3, 2025.
- Baseball or softball player: $80
- T-Ball player: $50
- (Plus service/ processing fees)
- Multiplayer discounts available
Please upload:
- Player birth certificate(s)
- Proof of residency
Medical release forms need to be emailed or handed in to a coach at the beginning of the season.
If interested, coaching and volunteer forms can be completed during player registration.
Frankfort Little League is continuing to add team sponsors and outfield banners. More information is available in Sports Connect.
For more information, please email or contact Steve Sydoriw (315) 725-8332.